Founded in 2012 in Foligno, EGinA Srl is a private training agency and consultancy body, operating in the field of EU projects and grants. The agency, certified by the Umbria Region for training and certification of skills, is one of the main stakeholders in the field of design and implementation of local, national and European initiatives, with the collaboration of numerous experts in the field of education, social, cultural and digital transformation. The company is composed of a team of project managers with extensive experience in the preparation, presentation and implementation of project proposals, including the administrative and financial management.
- Via A. Vici 8/B Foligno - Italy
- egina.eu
- facebook.com/eginasrl
- instagram.com/eginasrl
- linkedin.com/company/egina

Orto Sive Natura
Orto sive natura is a project that was born in 2016 around two key concepts: rediscovery of the oldest varieties and sustainability of agricultural practices. This is why we have made the principles of permaculture the cornerstones of our organic fruit and vegetable growing technique. An entrepreneurial challenge that is also, and above all, a path of individual and collective growth based on learning about plant cycles and respecting the balances that each ecosystem determines within itself. A project that in some ways might seem a little utopian, but which nonetheless moves within a much broader horizon, such as that of re-learning how to exploit not only the productive specificities of a rich territory such as Umbria, but also its ecosystems; making them a resource first, and material for a didactic later. So that all those, young and old, who dream of the genuine world of yesteryear, can exploit today’s awareness so that it can flourish in a new light.
- Via Villa del Marchese 27, Gualdo Cattaneo – 06035 – Perugia
- ortosivenatura.it
- facebook.com/ortosivenatura

The Southern Great Plain Telehouses was founded in 1999 as a civil organization. It serves the economic, social, and cultural development, catching-up, and ensuring territorial equality of the municipalities and micro-regions of the Southern Great Plain Region. It aims to overcome regional disadvantages by managing the operation of complex information and service community tele-service centers, telehouses, and similar institutions, as well as by establishing new institutions, organizing regional services, representing and defending their interests, and providing support for their tasks at both domestic and international levels. Our activities include training, research, event organization and full-scale execution, consultancy, information dissemination, and grant writing. We collaborate with 32 member organizations and even more domestic and international partners.
- 6724 Szeged, Pacsirta utca 3/b
- telehaz-del-alfold.hu
- facebook.com/delalfolditelehazak
- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092658315626:

Kert Ész Klub
Kert-Ész Klub Magyarország Egyesület was founded in 2011 by Mr. József Rácz with two dozen gardeners who still are the backbone of the club’s membership and keep the club’s life moving. The aim of the club is to bring together the South Great Plain’s professional growers who want to make a living from horticulture. The professional background provided by the club makes life easier for these farmers, and helps them make the best decisions during the operation of their farms. The members are those who are not only interested in the direction of Hungary’s horticultural policy, but who would also do their utmost to ensure that this sector finally earns and gets its much-vaunted place of prominence. That is why the Club’s slogan is: Act with sense for gardening!
- 6764 Balástya, Balástyai tanyák 85. Hungary
- zsendules.hu