• The FaceIt Course was developed to address the pressing challenges posed by climate change and to promote sustainable practices in agriculture. It targets a diverse audience, including beginner gardeners, individuals planning to start their own gardens, and agricultural professionals looking to adopt eco-friendly and efficient farming techniques. The course provides practical tools and knowledge, empowering participants to contribute to the preservation of the environment and the modernization of agriculture.
      This initiative was made possible through the collaboration of the following project partners:

        • Regional Telecottages Public Association of South Hungarian Plain (DTE) – Hungary
        • Kert-Ész Klub Association – Hungary
        • Orto Sive Natura (OSN) – Italy
        • European Grants International Academy SRL (EGInA) – Italy
      The project is co-financed by the European Union under the project code 2023-1-HU01-KA210-VET-00016506.
      By participating in this course, both novice and experienced gardeners will gain valuable insights into sustainable agriculture. This knowledge can help improve environmental awareness and resilience while advancing modern farming practices for a better future.